
What we mean when we say, “You Aren’t Until You Are”

Hi podcast listeners — we’re so delighted you’ve found us.

I was recently on a call with a friend, a talented actor with an impressive resume, from theater to TV, Shakespeare to Jessica Jones.

He was pondering what he could do right now, in light of COVID-19 tamping down most TV auditions and production that he would otherwise be pursuing.

We talked about his writing something to perform and shoot. He said, “But… I’m not a writer.”

I said to him exactly what I said to Maria in our first episode.

“You aren’t until you are.”

It’s powerful to think that way. I mean, I had no intention of becoming a producer, when I produced my first play. 40+ shows later, I do see myself that way. Likewise, directing. And writing. And so the options are endless, even if they’re intimidating. It’s all about trying something and seeing what works for you, and what doesn’t.

BTW, my actor friend is totally going to be on the podcast once he puts this piece up online.

–Jake Lipman

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